It is important to look at a few factors when you have multiple debts in credit cards or loans and are trying to agree with yourself on which to pay off first. The results of this calculator can in some ways be used to inform your strategy so that you pay less overall interest and can pay off your debts faster. Pay down the debt with the highest interest rate or pay the debt that is closest to your credit max, so you can save the most money in the long run. Your credit score will increase and some of your debt will be relieved by both of these options. See if if you can get a lower interest rate and if you can pay more than the minimum payment.
To see how much interest you will pay and how long it will take you to pay off your balance, just enter your card issuer, current balance, monthly payment and APR in your use of this Credit Card Payoff Calculator below. The difference in total compound interest charges between the lower promotional balance transfer APR net of transfer fees and the higher APR cards you entered are what savings shown in the results are based on. Your actual savings may be different, based on your purchase and payment activity, and other fees as well.
Disclaimer: The accuracy and applicability to your personal financial circumstances of this debt payoff calculator are not guaranteed or warranted. It is strictly for general informational and educational purposes that this credit card payoff calculator is intended.
Start New Financial is a world-class financial leader in the specialization of all kinds of debts and the gold standard in solving consumers debt problems. We gladly help you start your most important journey towards financial freedom.
Simply fill out the form and one of our debt resolution experts will contact you. Soon, you’ll be on your way to a debt-free life!
Please note that all calls with the company may be recorded or monitored for quality assurance and training purposes. *Clients who are able to stay with the program and get all their debt settled realize approximate savings of 46% before fees, or 25% including our fees, over 24 to 48 months. All claims are based on enrolled debts. Not all debts are eligible for enrollment. Not all clients complete our program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. Estimates based on prior results, which will vary based on specific circumstances. We do not guarantee that your debts will be lowered by a specific amount or percentage or that you will be debt-free within a specific period of time. We do not assume consumer debt, make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. Not available in all states. Please contact a tax professional to discuss tax consequences of settlement. Please consult with a bankruptcy attorney for more information on bankruptcy. Depending on your state, we may be available to recommend a local tax professional and/or bankruptcy attorney. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment, including potential adverse impact on credit rating. Our organization does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.
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