The minute your creditors know you’re in a debt settlement program for debt resolution, with the backing of a professional debt settlement agency, all harassing calls will stop. After several months, the debt resolution company gets your creditors to settle your unsecured debt in full for a reduced amount that is less than what you had owed them. Your debt resolution company requests your authorization to pay off one of your debts enrolled in your debt settlement program with the money from your dedicated account, once you have accumulated enough funds in it to pay one of them off because most creditors agree to this debt resolution.
The debt is paid as soon as you agree to it to this debt resolution plan, and your debt settlement agency gets a fee for that debt resolution transaction. It’s a performance-based arrangement, so your debt settlement company only receives its reasonable fee when they help you eliminate debt as the debt resolution of it. You may have to pay taxes on the portion of the debt that was forgiven if the amount is $600 or more. This debt resolution settlement process will continue to repeat itself with every one of your creditors and your debt with them, you will continue to make the same monthly payment into your dedicated account until you have paid off all the debts you enrolled into your debt settlement program and this debt resolution has you completely debt-free! The more money you deposit into your dedicated account in the process of this debt resolution, the quicker you become debt-free, so you can increase the number of your monthly deposits into it as much as you want and can afford.
With debt settlement, your credit score gradually improves quicker than in a bankruptcy case and you save both money and time with this debt resolution.