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Debt Settlement

Start New Financial shows you the debt settlement process so you know the right debt relief option that best suits you and guides you to financial freedom.

Learn how you can have peace and live an easier life through effective debt settlement programs.

A black and white drawing of a dollar bill with a dollar sign on it.

0 Upfront Fees

Fees are based on your initial balance. No fees until your debt is settled. Have peace of mind and save money, relieving your debt quicker and for less. You always retain full veto rights over everything and full control over your dedicated account.

A black and white icon of a calendar on a white background.

1 Ideal Monthly Payment

You get relief from overwhelming unsecured debts of all types and say goodbye to your bills in less time with debt settlement. You can pay your debt over time with just 1 comfortable monthly payment that can eliminate it at a fraction of the balance.

A hand is holding a bag of money with a dollar sign on it.

Avoid Bankruptcy

You avoid bankruptcy and legal action as your phone also stops ringing. You won’t have to sell your property nor deal with any court. Start New Financial handles everything for you, all the negotiations and paperwork. It is easy on your credit score, with a superior success rate.

A black and white icon of a calendar with a check mark on it.

A Debt-free Date

This structured plan provides you with a debt-free date where you’ll know when you will have financial freedom by finally becoming debt-free. Be prepared to be surprised by how quick and for so much less you will be debt-free.

What is a Debt Settlement Program?

In a debt settlement program, there is a financial agreement between a borrower and a lender in which the former pays back less than the full amount of an unsecured debt and the latter agrees to accept this as full payment. You contract a professional debt settlement agency like Start New Financial to help you with this and they handle it for you, and everything they do is always with your prior approval. The amount of debt you owe increases since you will cease making your payments to your creditors for a number of months because, when you’re delinquent, it shows your creditors the true state of your finances and makes most of them open to the negotiations of the debt settlement process.

It is all part of the debt settlement plan. But that increase won’t end up counting for you because you will completely pay off your debt for much less than you originally owed and save a lot of money, upon the completion of your debt settlement program. Instead of continuing to make monthly payments to your creditors, you will open up a dedicated bank account for the sole purpose of accumulating sufficient funds to pay off your debts one by one. Almost always, your new monthly payment from your debt settlement program is of a lower sum than what you had been making to your creditors, and it is deposited into this dedicated account that at all times is fully controlled by only you. And harassing calls cease the minute your creditors know you’re getting debt settlement help from a professional debt settlement agency. After several months in the debt settlement program, the debt settlement agency gets your creditors to settle your unsecured debt in full for an amount that is smaller than what you originally owed them. Most creditors agree to this during the debt settlement process, so once you have accumulated enough funds in your dedicated account to pay off one of your debts registered in your debt settlement program, your debt settlement agency requests your authorization to pay off one of your debts with that money. Upon your approval, the debt enrolled in your debt settlement program is paid and your debt settlement agency gets a fee for that transaction. As for the portion of debt that was forgiven, you may have to pay taxes on it if the amount is $600 or more. This debt settlement process will continue to repeat itself, you will continue to make the same monthly payment into your dedicated account, until you have paid off all the unsecured debts enrolled into your debt settlement program and you are completely free of unsecured debt! You are also free to increase the amount of your monthly deposits into your dedicated account, as the more money you deposit into it the quicker you become debt-free. You save both time and money with debt settlement relief and your credit score gradually improves quicker than in a bankruptcy case.

You pay off your debt for much less than what you owe and your credit score gradually improves quicker than in a bankruptcy case when you have the advantage of a debt settlement plan. You can become debt-free in as little as 2-3 years with the debt settlement relief of a debt settlement program. Your total debt is reduced substantially in a debt settlement program and you don’t have to worry about interest. A debt settlement plan saves you both time and money and enables you to avoid bankruptcy or asset liquidation. You make just one monthly payment into your dedicated account that is adjusted to an amount you can comfortably afford without having to deal with creditors so that one monthly deposit you make in a debt settlement program is usually of a lesser amount than what you were currently paying. Thus all this debt settlement help organizes your finances better and provides you with more peace in your life.

A disadvantage of the debt settlement process is that your credit rating will be impacted and your creditor needs to agree to the debt settlement. It can take years to restore your credit.


Debt Settlement Plan

The debt settlement plan is that, for less than the actual amount owed, the loaned amounts are marked as paid in full, in an agreement of the debt settlement process between the debtor and the creditor(s). The debt settlement program guides you to deposit money into a dedicated account (that you open up for this purpose with the guidance of your debt settlement agency), so you can accumulate enough funds to settle your debts instead of struggling to come up with payments for each of your creditors every month. You are in full control of this dedicated account at all times and the monthly deposits you make into it are usually of a lesser, more comfortable amount than the pre-enrollment amount you were shelling out to your creditors on a monthly basis before you joined your debt settlement program. The creditor decides to agree to settle the debt when they become privy to the default status of the debtor’s accounts – not before. The moment you join a debt settlement program, any taxes owed on the amount you settle are forgiven. Your debt amount will increase as you are depositing every month into your dedicated account to save sufficient funds to eventually pay off the enrolled debts in full, but for a lesser amount than was negotiated by your debt settlement agency negotiated with the creditors. It is always with your approval first that your debt settlement agency makes all of this happen for you. They guide you through the entire debt settlement process, advising you, managing everything, and negotiating with your creditors. They save you so much time and money as they convince your creditors to settle for less. Yes, for an amount that’s much smaller than you owe, your debt is paid off in full, thanks to the determination and negotiations with the creditors of your debt settlement agency; they never forsake you until you’re completely free as a bird after all the unsecured debt enrolled in your debt settlement program have been answered for. It is with tooth and nail that Start New Financial fights for your best financial interests. Once your dedicated account has enough money in it to settle a debt, your debt settlement agency settles it; and until you’re completely free of all debt that’s enrolled in your debt settlement program, the process continues and is repeated. The reasonable fee your debt settlement agency gets for every debt settled by them always comes AFTER they settle it for you (not before!), and they help cease any collection and harassment calls to you from creditors.

On a final note, a debt settlement program is different from debt consolidation or debt management programs and these concepts should not be confused with each other. With the proper guidance from a great debt settlement agency like Start New Financial, you will lead a debt-free financial life of peace when you graduate from your debt settlement program.

  • The Debt Settlement Process

    The primary goal of a debt settlement program is to completely wipe out your debt by negotiating its reduction with your creditor(s) for a fraction of its original sum. Almost always, the creditors of the debt enrolled in your debt settlement program settle for a lesser amount than actually owed and will even waive penalties in order to come to an agreement and settle for good, once and for all.

    Most debtors don’t possess the negotiation skills, experience, expertise, or emotional fortitude needed to negotiate with their creditors and carry out the most successful debt settlement relief beneficial to them. Debt relief companies, on the other hand, are professionals like Start New Financial that specialize in debt settlement plans and are available to offer you the debt settlement help you need so you can reach the most beneficial favorable agreements with your creditors; they see you through the entire debt settlement process that leads you to gloriously being debt-free. Debt settlement agencies, on your behalf, get your creditors to agree to accept a lesser amount than what you actually owed them as full payment. Debt settlement relief gets harassing calls to cease with the assistance of your debt settlement agency. Debts that are unsecured are the only type of debt enrolled in your debt settlement program. Nothing is charged upfront to you by our debt settlement agency; they receive a modest fee from the funds in your dedicated account only when they settle a debt enrolled in your debt settlement program that you approve of beforehand. Every time you have enough funds in your dedicated account, your debt settlement agency negotiates the best settlement relief with your creditors and settles the best one most beneficial to you. This process in debt settlement is repeated until all the unsecured debts enrolled in your debt settlement program are settled and you are completely debt-free. Every time your debt settlement agency settles a debt for you they get a fee. The debt settlement process in a debt settlement program works in such a manner. Everything is handled for you by your debt settlement agency, including ceasing creditor and collection calls.

    Please keep in mind that debt settlement relief only works with unsecured debt and certain loan types, such as credit card debt. Debt settlement help cannot be applied to mortgages, student loans, or any type of secured debt. Credit card debt and similar loans are for what you usually get debt settlement relief.

  • Identifying the Steps or Process in a Debt Settlement Program

    Discussing your unique financial situation with the particular debt relief company chosen by you as your debt settlement agency that’ll help settle your debts for you is the first step. Obviously, in order for you both to know where you stand and to determine how much in the payment you can afford to pay per month, this step is a must in a debt settlement program; only then can you guys decide how you will approach the debt settlement process and run with it.

    In the debt settlement process, one of the approaches involved is a lump sum payment. You’ll have to either save or already possess the sum of money to sufficiently pay off the debt in the entirety of the agreed-upon settled amount. A new term settlement is the second approach in this situation, one where a new payment period of just one monthly payment is provided to you, that usually carries a lower amount. This is done by you opening a dedicated account in which to deposit that one monthly payment to accumulate the funds that will be used to settle the debts enrolled in your program, generally settled one at a time in your debt settlement program.

    An agreed amount will have to be set aside by you for the funding of the settlement amount that will be offered to your creditor after all your plans have been laid out. The monthly amount you deposit into your dedicated account is based on your debt balance, income, and basic necessity expenses.

    Remember that at this point your creditor is still unaware of your intentions of having to default on your payments because you’re aiming for debt settlement relief. Your creditor(s) may attempt to harass you the moment you’re no longer making your usual payments to them. Your calm should nevertheless be maintained and those creditors should always be directed to your debt settlement agency, as you simply continue to feed your monthly deposits to your FDIC-insured dedicated account that your debt relief experts directed you to open for such purpose.

    As part of the debt settlement process, as your balance amount is being built up by you, your creditors will each be contacted in your name directly by your debt settlement agency who, at this point, will attempt to get the negotiations started with them. They must convince them that the full amount of total debt cannot be paid by you in your present financial state so that they can help wipe out your debt in a debt settlement plan that has them getting your creditors to agree to accept less money as full payment.

    This negotiation with your creditor generally takes place around 90 to 180 days after you have enlisted in the debt settlement program and stopped paying them any money. The ideal time that benefits your negotiation plans in this debt settlement plan is this one because, by then, your creditors should have taken a tax break for your debt by having “charged it off”.

    The creditor likely will also want to conduct their own investigation based on what was presented to them during the debt settlement process, as they want a detailed explanation of the circumstances. This can include checking your payment behavior with your other creditors and investors. Once they realize there is no better option than to accede to your debt settlement plan and settle with you for the proposed amount, your debt settlement agency fully informs you of everything and asks for your authorization in order to open negotiations with your creditor. They will send you a written “settlement offer” for you to approve in writing so the debt settlement can take place.

    When everything in the debt settlement plan is agreed upon and in order, the funds from your dedicated account you have been accumulating for this purpose will be used to settle that enrolled debt if you approve of it in writing and there’s already enough money in it for it.

    Until such a joyful time as you have completely paid off all the unsecured debts enrolled in your debt settlement program, and you are debt-free, satisfied, and in peace, this effective debt settlement process will be repeated.

    Start New Financial is a world-class debt relief company that is the gold standard in aiding you in the negotiations of beneficial debt settlements with your creditors. We encourage you to take that bold first step in settling your financial obligations by calling us TODAY at (800) 320-9083. Our consultation is free. Let us help you remove your burden of debt and gain financial freedom so once again you can be in control and empowered.


DIY debt settlement

Without the priceless assistance provided by a professional debt resolution company, some debtors brave it out by going for a DIY debt settlement program of their own creation. In a DIY debt settlement, it is key that the confidence in your ability to negotiate is there. Going through the process of negotiating a DIY debt settlement requires savvy determination. Generally, when you believe you can, it’s because in all likelihood you probably can. Those with shaky confidence must say goodbye to any notion of a DIY debt settlement since it is not ideal for those whose confidence is wavering. In an effort to settle their delinquent debts for one reduced lump-sum payment that is less than what they actually owe, debtors try to negotiate directly with their creditors. The debts must be delinquent for best results. For debt settlement relief to be a good option, at least 90 days must have elapsed since the last payment to creditors; however, it is even more feasible the longer they are delinquent. By the time your creditors deem you to be eligible for debt settlement, your credit score is likely to have been damaged by the delinquent marks of your missed payments. There is no guarantee you’ll succeed in securing an appealing deal with your creditors in a do-it-yourself debt settlement, and your credit rating is damaged because you must continue to be delinquent by missing payments while you’re negotiating with your creditors. To back up any debt settlement agreement, you will need to have the cash for it. Most creditors will want a lump-sum payment in order to settle the debt, but payment plans may be accepted by some of them. Besides how much you can pay, how your debt settlement is to be reported on your credit reports is also part of what you’ll be negotiating with them. Credit reports don’t exactly look great when settled debts are generally marked as “Paid Settled” or “Settled”. For minimal damage, trying to persuade the creditor to mark your settled account as “Paid as Agreed” would be best. That you could end up with a costly lawsuit or payment arrangement without even managing to settle your debt is another of the other downsides of attempting a DIY settlement. Your creditors may also be paid more by you. When you don’t have the proper structure in place, haywire emotions can obstruct everything. Setting aside the money that’ll be used to pay the creditors also commands discipline. You may not know how to maneuver yourself legally if you are sued, costing you more time, money, and lots of stress.

How debt settlement works

Debt Relief or debt resolution companies are also known as debt settlement agencies or companies. They directly contact your creditors in your name to fight for you. A better debt settlement payment plan that wipes out a debt for a reduced amount is negotiated by them on your behalf with your creditors. The reduction of your current debt amount to the lowest possible terms, in both the monthly payment amount of the deposits you will be making into your dedicated account and the debt amount, is your debt settlement agency’s main goal. A modest percentage of the amount of money saved by you on every debt these companies successfully settle for you often is the only service fee they generally command.

A reduced lump-sum payment that’s less than the amount you owe your creditors is what your debt settlement agency aims to negotiate with them. Prior to the start of any negotiations, you are shown by your debt settlement agency how the deposits into your dedicated account are made every month in lieu of you continuing to struggle to come up with any more payments to your creditors. Every unsecured debt enrolled in your debt settlement program will ultimately be settled one debt at a time, till you’re debt-free, with the funds that will be accumulated by you in the dedicated account that is is entirely yours and is opened and fully controlled by you always.

debt settlement

Every time you have sufficient funds in your dedicated account to settle a debt, your debt settlement agency negotiates the most reduced settlement they can obtain for you from one of your creditors, and once they reach the most favorable agreement for you, your debt settlement company presents it to you for your written approval. As soon as you approve the debt settlement, your debt settlement agency liquidates that debt for you with money from your dedicated account. That’s when your debt settlement agency starts getting paid from you for their services, as they take a modest percentage of every settled amount as their fees from every debt they successfully settle for you. That debt will be paid in full and completely wiped out, and your debt settlement agency will have saved you money because it will have been done for a negotiated amount that is less than your original, actual debt amount. This process is repeated till you’re completely debt-free from all the unsecured debt enrolled in your debt settlement program. Oh, what a relief!

You are empowered by our successful debt settlement relief to completely disengage yourself from that debt forever without having to pay the full amount that was owed on that debt. Some creditors are easier to work with than others, so one must keep in mind that it is not always 100% certain that a debt settlement agency will succeed in convincing every creditor to agree to settle your debt with them, but for the most part, they can and they will! You will always have someone loyally fighting tooth and nail for what’s more favorable to you when your corner has a debt settlement agency like Start New Financial in it, making you debt-free ASAP while saving you the most cash.

Advantages of the debt settlement process

There are many different advantages of the debt settlement process. You should know the complete process that leads to successful debt settlement help. Start New Financial has listed the major advantages of debt settlement below.

List of Services

The entire debt settlement process is not all smooth sailing in a debt settlement program. Once you choose the right debt settlement plan, you will deal with negative credit reviews until all your debts are settled and finalized and you have graduated from your debt settlement program. Finding the right expert on debt settlement means a brighter and healthier financial future and a not so worrisome lifestyle because you will have peace. Heavenly peace and freedom. Yesss!

We have a world-class debt settlement program available with the best negotiators dedicated to reducing your debt to the lowest amount possible. Our elite program has established relationships with a rich portfolio of creditors and collection agencies and we are virtually establishing more and more by the day. Start New Financial knows how to represent you so you get out of debt quicker and for less than if you did it yourself. No stress and no hassles – just peace, tranquility, confidence and hope. People call us and say they will do it themselves, only to sign up later. The only regret they ever have, is not getting started earlier.


When minimum payments on your debts are all that’s being made continuously by you, especially on credit card debt, you have no structure in place. Consequently, your “debt-free date” is unbeknownst to you. What you do know is that, with the high-interest rates and perhaps the amount of debt itself, you see that some accounts will take 27 years to pay back when you look at your bank statements.

Your credit score will stay positive while at least the minimum interest payments are being made by you.

You may pay 300 to 400 percent (or perhaps more!) of what you initially borrowed. You may no longer be able to afford even your minimum payments, and see no end in sight. Even if you pay back the amount of the loan borrowed, you will have to pay carried-over interest that has greatly accumulated.


What a bummer! The steep rates of interest on loans and credit cards have not let you retire when you want to. That’s bad! You may be a senior citizen who recently called the credit card company to implore them to lower their interest rate so you can afford your much-needed prescription drugs, and were denied. Start New Financial can help! We have a team of expert negotiators dedicated to reducing your debt to the lowest amount possible. We have established relationships with creditors and collection agencies and virtually every day we are establishing more. We know how to represent you and rid you of your debt quicker, and for less than if you made minimum payments. To our satisfied clients it always seems magical the way we are able to obtain such wonderful and highly lucrative debt settlements for them in our debt settlement program.

Don’t you stay behind, for you’ve been suffering enough already with the heavy burden of your overwhelming debt.

Call Start New Financial TODAY! We only look for win-win situations for you, nothing less!


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Simply fill out the form and one of our debt resolution experts will contact you. Soon, you’ll be on your way to a debt-free life!

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